Important Notice
The information below should in no way replace the treatment of a medical professional. If your baby is showing signs of a painful skin irritation, the redness is spreading, or infection accompanied by a fever you must seek medical attention or consult your doctor.
The incidence of bum rash is greatly reduced by the breathability of cloth but there are some instances that you could have to deal with redness. Nappy rash is defined as a patchwork of inflamed, bright red skin on the buttock.
- Sensitivity to wet: some babies are very sensitive to the dampness of cloth nappies. We recommend that you swop your Biodegradable Liners for Fleece Liners. These will create a soft dry layer between baby and the wet insert.
- Crease marks: to get a snug fit, it can seem like the nappy is too tight as it leaves red marks. These are the same marks that you might experience with your own clothes. Monitor baby for signs of discomfort and loosen nappy if necessary.
- Chaffing: this can be the result of wet fabric rubbing against baby’s skin. Make sure that you are changing damp nappies timeously. Avoid reusing nappy outers and changing inserts only.
- Bum rash: if you notice redness check that you are changing baby at the correct intervals.
- Acidic wee: when baby starts teeth their urine can become very acidic. You should apply a cloth safe bum balm and be sure to change baby often. If you are using a traditional or medicated cream use fleece liners to help protect your inserts.
With correct action a bum rash should clear up in a couple days. If this is not the case and you notice that it is spreading, developing blisters, there is a fever and baby is continuously upset please consult your GP.
To avoid nappy rash flares ups, practice the following tips:
- Change nappies frequently
- Ensure baby’s skin is thoroughly cleaned between changes
- Use a cloth safe bum balm
- Give baby nappy-free time whenever possible
- Switch to disposables to allow healing time
- Make sure your wash routine is providing a thorough wash and rinse
- Reduce highly acidic foods
- Use prescribed medications as instructed.
What about Thrush?
If your baby has been diagnosed with thrush, we would recommend the following steps:
- Apply the medicated cream as prescribed by your GP.
- Switch to disposables until the Thrush has cleared.
- If you want to stay on cloth:
- have a stringent cleaning routine to prevent a cycle of re-infection.
- use Fleece liners to protect your nappies from the cream.
- Make sure to wash all possibly infected nappies, wipes, and liners with Super Nappy Wash.